Meet the Team

  • Jennifer K

    Jennifer K

    Jennifer grew up in New Jersey, with her sights set on living in the big city from her earliest memories of driving through Soho to visit her relatives on Long Island. A passionate reader and writer from a young age, she filled her summer vacations with trips to the library and creating "self-published" books based on her favorite stories—Matilda and Harriet the Spy to name a few—transcribed in wonky pencil in marble composition books. Throughout high school and college, Jennifer sought ways to engage with writing on multiple levels. Advanced English classes introduced her to the joys (and frustrations) of James Joyce and Charlotte Bronte, even as she oversaw the curation, production, and editorial workflow of poetry journals, yearbooks, and book reviews. She completed her undergraduate degree at Harvard, where she fell in love with the avant-garde works of the Modernist poets; coupled with the experimental styles of mid-century American writers including Agee, Nabokov, and other Depression-era revolutionaries, she found a fertile ground of study that enhanced her interest in history and the context in which art is made, as well as embraced a full-body kind of multimodal and multisensory expression that would carry throughout her personal and professional pursuits. Her thesis on E. E. Cummings received a Hoopes Prize, and she graduated with top honors as summa cum laude.

    Life in Cambridge was an idyllic refuge of intellectual rigor and stimulation, but New York never let up on its siren call. After graduation, Jennifer attended the Columbia Publishing Course, a publishing "boot camp" that helped her land her first editorial position at Alfred A. Knopf. During her six years there, she worked alongside senior editors to nourish and usher into the world the writing of contemporary luminaries, including Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Anne Carson, Edwidge Danticat, Jhumpa Lahiri, James Salter, Patti Smith, Cheryl Strayed, and more; she also acquired debut novels by Weike Wang and Jana Casale, and edited volumes for the Everyman's Library. In 2017, she moved to The Experiment Publishing, an independent house with a focus on self-improvement nonfiction and plant-based cookbooks.

    Jennifer married her passion for storytelling and wellness with her first book, Root & Nourish: An Herbal Cookbook for Women's Wellness (Tiller Press). Whether working with the written word, food, or the physical body, Jennifer believes there is great power in discovering and taking ownership of your personal story—a lifelong process that can offer continuous excitement and discovery when attended to with mindfulness and compassion. Based in Brooklyn, she balances her creative pursuits with long, wandering walks in Prospect Park, daily yoga practice, and concocting delicious plant-based meals from farmers market finds.